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Preserving and Sharing Guilford's Treasures
P.O. Box 363, Guilford, Connecticut 06437 ~ (203) 453-2263 ~ Registered 501c3 Non-Profit
Our Mission: To collect, preserve and share the history of Guilford, Connecticut for present and future generations.
Museum Hours:
​During the off-season,both museums are open by appointment and for special tours. Call 203-710-5327 to schedule.​
Thomas Griswold House 171 Boston StreetGuilford, CT June - SeptemberSaturday 11-4Sunday 12-4
Museum Hours: ​ During the off-season, both museums are open by appointment and for special tours. Call 203-710-5327 to schedule. ​ Thomas Griswold House  171 Boston Street Guilford, CT   June - September Saturday 11-4 Sunday 12-4
For links to videos related to our museums and collections
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